I want to share my life with you.

This is an open invitation to gain access to all the priceless experiences and lessons learnt in my medical school journey, and life in general...hey, you don't have to be a med. student to relate to it.

My name is Richeal...I'll tell you the rest when you get to know me better along the line. Presently, I live at a hostel called Medical Hostel, one built by my school, the University of Cape Coast School of Medical Sciences (UCCSMS), exclusively for my colleagues and me. I get to live, learn and interact with many brilliant minds from various parts of my country, Ghana, how lucky am I?

Well, I started this blog to share my stories, and to spit out the numerous thoughts bouncing about in my head every now and then. I love reading and listening to others but I've always been hesitant to tell my stories. I do have a lot to share (you'll soon see) and I cannot do so effectively without your listening ear (or better still, your reading eyes).

I entered med. school with zero to tiny idea of what to expect. I am the first in my entire family to have gained admission into med. school. You can call me a family celebrity...of course, much is expected from me. My cluelessness during my early years in med. school cost me a lot and I had to learn certain things the hard way. Indeed, that way isn't fun at all and so a thought occurred to me: 'There may be many others in that situation right now, why not help them out?'

Therefore, MED. SCH. TIMES was also created to help prospective med. students to gain some insight into med. school life - trust me, this will make your life a lot easier if you're such a student. You can always refer your friend here who would need this too.

You would learn a lot and your eyes would be opened to worlds different from yours. You'll be grateful for this experience and I can bet every hair on your head (or every hair you once had in case you're bald...LOL) that you'll enjoy the ride! After all, you have absolutely nothing to lose.

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